A front-runner in Swiss Chard.

Strong hybrid varieties
Our Swiss Chard varieties excel in their strong vigor and uniformity.
Maximum disease resistance
The most up-to-date resistance against downy mildew and other common diseases.
Tasty and colorful chard
Juicy green and red-veined chard with improved bleeding tolerance.

Vigorous and uniform hybrids

We’ve been a proud market leader for years now when it comes to this fast-growing superfood. Our varieties excel in the vigor and uniformity that characterize only the strongest hybrid varieties. What’s more, our varieties have the maximum and most up-to-date resistance against downy mildew and other diseases. You may have already guessed this, but Swiss chard is actually a member of the Red Beet family; one of our other specialty fields.

Super food power

Swiss chard is becoming increasingly popular when it comes to mixed salads. And we understand why! Chard is super healthy and it gives a nice colorful twist to salad bags. At Pop Vriend, we align our breeding strategy exactly with consumer needs. The result: the tastiest and most colorful chard available. We produce juicy green chard, a welcome guest in leafy salads, as well as red-veined chard, which adds a spectacular pop of color to ready-to-eat salad mixes. Across all applications, we’re the market leader in Swiss chard, and we’re proud of it.

“Appeal is a focus point of our breeding strategy that should not be underestimated. Our Swiss chard varieties score high on appeal and attraction, adding a glorious pop of color to salad mixes.”

Mark Charlesworth
Product Manager Swiss chard