Premium Watermelons for the fresh-minded.

Super sweet and juicy
With every bite, consumers can experience an ultimate bite.
Reliable performance
High-yields, quality and flavor across different climates.
Appealing appearance
Loved by consumers due to the deep red flesh and vibrant color.

How to achieve superior Watermelon quality?

Our watermelons are developed to deliver exceptional sweetness and juiciness. With rich, deep red flesh and a crisp texture, each bite provides a refreshing experience. We offer a range of varieties, from incredibly sweet seedless options to robust diploid seeded types, ensuring there’s something to suit every market and preference.

Grafted watermelons for excellent fruit

Our focus is on developing watermelon varieties that offer high yields and strong disease resistance, making them ideal for growers. By providing high-quality and consistently germinating seeds with resistance to diseases like Fusarium and nematodes, our varieties ensure reliable performance. Additionally, our breeding efforts prioritize early ripeness and improved drought tolerance to meet essential agricultural needs.

Crunchy, fleshy and sweet

The production of watermelons depends on specific consumer expectations. Consumers expect crunchy fruit with a high sugar content, dark red flesh, and dark seeds. Light-colored seeds or overly pale stripes on the outer skin are often seen as signs of immaturity. Additionally, with the growing trend of slicing watermelons into smaller pieces for convenience and mini watermelons, there are new demands on shelf life, crispness, and taste. At KWS, we focus precisely on meeting these evolving consumer preferences by breeding varieties that offer optimal texture, flavor, and appearance.

“Our breeding programs focus on creating watermelons with optimal sweetness, juiciness, and color. We test each variety extensively for key attributes such as sugar content and disease resistance, ensuring they meet high standards and perform well across different climates”

Juan Lizarzaburu
Melon Breeder
Collaborative approach

We work closely with growers to understand and adapt to local conditions. Our partnerships are crucial in refining our breeding processes and ensuring our watermelons perform optimally in diverse environments. Our focus is on building long-term relationships with customers by continuously improving varieties and addressing future needs together. This collaboration helps refine the breeding processes, adapting to local conditions and market demands. This also incorporates cross-regional relations, as the export of watermelons is a significant part of the market. Therefore, our varieties are thoroughly tested for shelf life, ensuring they meet both local and global market demands.