Our Melon program: flavor is everything.

Taste is everything
The perfect balance of sweetness, juiciness, and aroma.
High-yield security
Designed for robust growth, high yields, and exceptional post-harvest quality.
Local expertise, global impact
Tailored to local conditions and preferences, with a global reach.

How to get that ultimate taste experience?

At the heart of every bite of melon lies the consumer’s experience. We believe taste is paramount, especially with fruits like melons where flavor is everything. That’s why our breeding programs are dedicated to developing melon varieties that exceed consumer expectations in taste, juiciness and quality. 

Resilient, high-yielding & super tasty

Every single hybrid we breed is being tested by our own breeding team. That is about 1,000 hybrids per year! We measure the sugar content, its sweetness, the bite, the juiciness… Everything should be in line with what consumers expect. Of course, it is also very important that our melons thrive in different climates and meet the specific preferences of global markets, including Central America, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, and North Africa. From the Yellow Canari and Harper to the Galia, Piel de Sapo and Cantaloupe, our melons are known for their exceptional flavor profiles and reliable performance.

“Every time we taste a melon in the field, we test the bite and aroma ourselves. Our melons should benefit both growers and consumers. That means our melons not only perform well in the field but also deliver the rich, sweet taste that keeps consumers coming back.”

Juan Lizarzaburu
Melon Breeder
A close collaboration with growers

We work hand-in-hand with a network of professional growers across various regions, sharing knowledge and insights to ensure that each variety performs optimally in its environment. Our focus is on building long-term relationships with customers by continuously improving varieties and addressing future needs together. This helps to refine the breeding processes, adapting to local conditions and market demands. Together, we are able to bring the best possible melons to consumers, while securing profitable, long-term success for our growers.